Affordable Housing by
Blackland Community Development Corporation

In 2002, the City Council approved the Upper Boggy Creek Neighborhood Plan that included five sub-districts, one being the Blackland Neighborhood. Concerned about preserving affordable housing in the area, the Blackland Neighborhood included a provision that called for any new housing development with four or more units to be affordable for households earning less than 60% of the average for Austin.

Shortly after the plan was adopted by the City, Rodin Wilber purchased the lot at 1803 East 20th Street and began planning for an apartment building there. Made aware of the 25% affordability clause by the City, he negotiated with the neighborhood for support for several variances to the city codes.

Neighborhood leaders supported his requests and entered into a letter of agreement that called for at least two of the eight units to be affordable, and if the complex were ever sold, Blackland CDC would get first right of refusal to purchase. For nine years, Rodin Wilber exceeded the affordability requirement and in 2010 he decided to sell.

Loyal to the agreement, he approached Blackland CDC. Blackland was able to purchase the complex with a HUD loan administered by the City’s Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department.

In 2011, in tribute to a young developer who stood by his word, Blackland CDC names this complex “Rodin Village.”